Monday, July 9, 2012

The good and the bad!

A lot has been going on lately so I thought I'd share all, the good and the bad.

Summer Fun

We've been grilling out a lot lately. It's a lot of fun getting everyone together to grill, play Frisbee and horseshoes, and go swimming. My hubby's dad and his girlfriend has a big pool in their backyard. My kiddos love going swimming there. We have a sprinkler that they also love playing in. The big pool, sprinkler, and kids pool have been coming in handy for cooling off, because this summer has been unusually hot. This summer is the first one that I've made kabobs and they are delicious and very addictive. Everyone loves them so I plan on making them a lot more often. We also have a family pass for the Children's Zoo here in Lincoln so we plan on visiting there as soon as the weather isn't so hot. We go a few times every year and with having a family pass that is good for a year, it makes it easier and less expensive to go. My kids love feeding and petting the goats. My favorite animal is the leopard. The kids have been getting bored because it's been too hot to go outside lately and we've been stuck in the house, so I think a trip to the zoo would be good for them as soon as the weather cools a little.

4th of July
We had a good time on the 4th. We all went to Glenn's dad's house to celebrate. They live by Air Park on a hill over looking Lincoln so you get a great view of the fireworks. We got mostly fireworks for the kids like we do every year so they had fun. We did the usual. Grilling food, swimming in the big pool, the guys played horseshoes, and we set of fireworks. I tried to get some good pics of the fireworks, but it's hard to do without the proper lens to do so. The kids were a little cranky and weren't listening very well, but overall it was a great night. It was nice to get out of the house and have a convo with adults instead of little kiddos.

July's Full Moon-Blessing Moon
July's full moon is also known as the Blessing Moon. I've been devoting a lot more of my time to the Craft so I decided to do a Blessing Moon ritual. I also decided to make more Blessing (Holy) Water too. Just one of the things I like doing now that I'm an Ordained Minister. I need to get more bottles to put the Blessing Water in. My Blessing Moon ritual went great and I enjoyed being outside under the full moon. It was a little windy, so I had to sit in the front of the garage with the door open so I could do my ritual under the full moon, but to shield my candles from blowing out. It was a good night and with my birthday being the 14th, I felt that it was important to do a ritual on this full moon. Now I will spend my time making products to sell and getting ready for Lammas which is August 1st and the same day of the next full moon, also known as the Corn Moon.

New Pagan Tattoos
My brother-in-law recently started doing tattoos. He bought several tattoo guns, ink, lots of needles, and etc. I've been wanting a couple Pagan symbols tattooed on my arms so I payed him to do them for me. He did a great job. A few lines on the pentacle need to be fixed after they heal and the triquetra looks great. I took pics (not good ones) right after they were done. I'll have to take better ones when the tattoos heal. I'm happy that I have them now. I'm hoping to get more tattoos later on. I want something with Glenn and the kid's names. I would also like to get one in remembrance of Glenn's little sister, Charity. She was my best friend and like a little sis to me. I miss her so much. But for now waiting for my Pagan tattoos to heal.

Conrad Grove
Glenn's cousin Conrad passed away at the age of 31. I don't know all the details. My hubby is devastated especially since it was a sudden death just like his little sister's. No one saw it coming and it was a shock to everyone. I wasn't close to Conrad, but the few times I talked to him, he was really nice and respectful to me. We found out about Conrad on July 3rd which would have been Charity's 27th birthday. He had died on July 2nd. It brought back a lot of painful memories from losing Charity. I feel bad for my husband's family. They have now lost 2 family members at young ages less then 8 years apart. I hope they never have to feel that pain again. 2 tragic deaths within one family is horrible. They cremated Conrad and are holding a memorial for him on July 14th, my birthday. He left behind a girlfriend and a son who is still a toddler. My husband is out in Maryland with his father right now visiting family. I hope he is catching up with everyone and they are happy to see him.

Kids With Attitudes
I love my kiddos, but they are driving me crazy. They are still very young (8, 7, 5, & 3) so they like to throw temper tantrums. It doesn't help that 2 of my kiddos have ADHD, my toddler is probably the most destructive kiddo I've ever seen, and my 8 year old is a smart ass like me. I don't know whether they are bored, sick of me and Glenn, or both. I think they may be sick of each other too. I don't know. I'm just trying to be the best mom I can be and trying to cope with all the chaos around my house. I seriously think teachers should get payed double then what they do now. I really love my kiddos and want to spend time with them, but I can't wait until school starts again. I think most of the problem is they bored and because we are poor, we don't have the money to dish out to entertain them all the time. I live in the city and our yard isn't fenced in, so it's not like I can just send them outside to play like my mother did with my siblings and I. We live in a much more dangerous world now. Not only does there seem to be more child predators, violence, gun violence, and so on, but CPS seems to want to take people's kids away for anything. Parents don't have the rights they used to have and CPS sees every little thing as neglect now in days. I'm trying to stay patient and I know my kiddos get sick of me bossing them around, but I hope that someday they will look back and realize everything that I do is for their benefit and to protect them.

My Non Garden
This was the first year that I have tried to start my own garden. I had a lot of different fruits, veggies, and herbs planted. Sadly, I only have 2 pumpkin plants left. It's been really hot this summer all across the U.S. 56% of the U.S. is in a drought which tells you how bad it is. Because of the heat and crappy soil in our yard everything we plant dies on us. It sucks and I might try growing them inside next time were I can keep a better eye on them. I don't think it would be too hard and maybe they just might survive next time. I think the heat is was what killed them. There have been many days here lately were I won't let my kids go outside, because it's just way too hot. Hopefully, next summer won't be so bad.  I was really looking forward to harvesting everything, but I'll try again next year.

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