Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Is Ending

July is ending and so is my kids' summer break. In a 2 & 1/2 weeks they will back in school again. It's been a long, very hot and stressful summer. I picked the wrong summer to try and plant a garden. With record breaking temps, it was so hot that all my fruit, veggie, and herb plants died. I also had flowers that I had planted last year that started the summer off well and then they all died as well. Living in the Heartland of the U.S. you get to see just how bad things can get. Most of the local farmers crops are completely destroyed thanks to the hot weather. Now they are saying that prices on meat, eggs, & milk are going to go up. With having four kids and only one income that is really going to effect us when it happens. Food prices are all read outrageous so it's nerve wracking to know they are going to sky rocket even more due to an overly hot summer. We wanted to take the kids to the zoo this summer, but it's just been way too hot to go. We have a yearly pass that we got from the zoo for free and is good up until next spring, so when the weather cools a little we will find the time to go. With summer coming to an end, so is Glenn's job at the jail. They will be done with it in the next few weeks. I'm hoping they keep Glenn working and put him on another job, but we're not sure what's going to happen. It's been nice to have a steady income coming into the house. We have stayed caught up with the bills, I have been able to make more of my products and order more, and we will have the money to buy clothes and bags for the kids for school. I'm sad that Brendan (my youngest) will be starting school this year. He's my baby and I'm not sure if I'm ready to let him go. I know when my kids grow up and move out on their own, I'm going to be a wreck. I'm making Glenn take him on his first day so that I don't have to break down and cry in front of everyone. I know, I'm a big baby and it's only for 3 1/2 hours a day. It's hard letting the youngest go when you are a stay at home mom and have always had one or more kiddos at home. I know he needs to go, not only for him but for me as well. I can use that kid free time to focus more on getting my business started. I've been working hard and I've never been more determined in my life to do something then I have been with starting Twisted Witches. It's going slow right now due to the kids being on summer break and financial reasons. I want to do everything right too, because I want this to be a family business and I want it to last. I don't want it to fizzle out before I even get it up and going. So, that's what has been going on lately. I'm trying to get ready to celebrate Lammas and get the kiddos ready to start school. I'm so ready for the weather to cool and for fall to come.

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