Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Recycling Old Furniture

I have an older dresser that had a couple of broken drawers and an end table with drawers so I decided to use it for extra storage space in my office. They both had scuffs and other imperfections so I decided that I should paint them took look nicer and that way they match also. I went to Walmart and found a really nice green paint called Field of Greens. For the past several nights I've been painting the dresser and finally have it done. I'm going to let it sit and dry over the next few days before moving it to my office. The newly painted old dresser and soon to be painted end table with drawers will provide extra storage space for my herbs, tinctures, wound wash, blessing water, candles, bath salts, and etc. As for the dresser drawers, I plan on making signs out of the wood pieces and selling them. I'm going to get a few more colors of paint for that and I found a woman on ebay who lives in Kearney, Ne and she has some stencils that I like. So, those are my plans. I wanted to recycle everything instead of throwing the stuff out. My office isn't very big and I need the storage space too. I will post pics when I'm done with everything. I plan on changing my curtians and lamp shade also. Right now they are both a burgundy color, so going to try and find something close to the green I'm painting the furniture.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

To Attract Money

With the economy and lack of jobs a lot of people are hurting for money. I decided that it's a good time to put together a blog post on spells and other magical ways to attract money. I hope that this helps my Pagan friends and that money comes their way.

*Money Spell Bottle*

5 pennies
5 dimes
5 quarters
5 kernels of dried corn
5 kernels of dried wheat (or 5 tsp. of wheat flour)
5 cinnamon sticks
5 cloves
5 whole allspice
5 pecans

Place each item into a thin, tall bottle, such as a spice bottle. Cap it tightly. Shake the bottle with your projective hand for five minutes while chanting these or similar words:

Herbs and silver
Copper and grain;
Work to increase
My money gain.

Place the money spell bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your purse, pocketbook, wallet and/or checkbook near the bottle when at home. Allow money to come into your life.

*Money Mojo Bag*

This very basic money-attraction bag works on the theory that like attracts like -- to put it simply, money attracts more money. Feel free to change the wording of the spell to suit your own needs if necessary. You will need the following items:

•A silver candle and a gold candle
•A small cloth pouch with a drawstring
•A handful of play money (like Monopoly) of different denominations
•A taglock for yourself (hair, nail clippings, etc)
•Ginger (for power and success)
•Nutmeg (for prosperity)

Prepare your workspace as you normally do - if you wish to cast a circle, go ahead. Light the two silver candles on either side of your space, so that you are working between them. As you light them say:

"Gold and silver, silver and gold, make money come and dollars unfold."

Place your play money and the taglock into the bag. As you do this, think about yourself and the money being together. You might even rub the taglock and the money against each other as you place them in the mojo bag. Say:

"Cast from necessity, not from greed, all I'm asking is for what I need."

Place the ginger and the nutmeg in the bag, and focus on success and prosperity coming your way. Hold the bag in your hands and say:

"Tens and twenties, fives and ones, as I will, it shall be done."

Now, take a moment to think about what you will do with the money that comes your way. Will you use it to get out debt? Pay a bill? Have a little bit of extra grocery money? Allow the candles to burn out on their own. Place the bag in a safe place where it will be undisturbed, and out of sight.

*Basic Money Spell*

This very basic money spell is an easy one -- although it was originally created years ago with kids in mind, I've found that adults have some degree of success with it as well. Like the Money Mojo Bag, this works on the theory that like attracts like -- money attracts more money. Feel free to change the wording to better suit your needs if you wish to do so. You will need the following:

•A square of green paper
•Nine pennies
•An envelope

Do this spell outside, under a tree. Take the piece of paper and write on it how much money you would like to have come your way -- although you can put any amount there, be realistic and reasonable. Fold the paper three times, and then place it in the envelope. Add the pennies. Say:

"Nine cents to make prosperity flow. Nine pennies to multiply, nine pennies to grow."

Seal the envelope, and draw a dollar sign on the outside. Bury the envelope under the tree (be careful not to get too close to the roots!), and cover up the hole. Ask the tree to keep watch over your pennies. Money should start coming your way soon.

*Money Incense Recipe #1*

1 part Nutmeg
1 part Pepperwort
1 pinch Saffron

*Money Incense Recipe #2*

2 parts Pine needles or resin
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Galangal
a few drops Patchouly oil

*Fast Money Oil*

7 drops Patchouly
5 drops Cedarwood
4 drops Vetivert
2 drops Ginger

*Money Bath*

3 parts Patchouly
2 parts Basil
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Cedar

Put herbs in sachet and let your bath water run over them. Let the sachet float in your bath water as you bath.

*Money Brew*

3 parts Sassafras
2 parts Cedar
1 part Allspice
1 part Clove
1 part Dill
1 part Vetivert
1 part Calamus

Half fill a green glass bottle with fresh water. Add about a handful or so of the mixed herbs. Cap tightly and leave in full sunlight all day. At dusk, sniff the water. If scent is strong, strain and add to baths, wash hands, anoint money charms, and etc. If it isn't strong enough, chill overnight and return to the sun the following day.

*Money Soap*

3 parts Patchouly
2 parts Peppermint
1 part Basil
1 part Pine
1 part Cinnamon

Add oils to a melted soap base of your choice. Dye green with bath product dye. Pour in molds and let cool. Wash your hands daily with the soap to attract money.

*Money Candles*

2 pounds of Soy wax
green candle dye
tabbed wicks
glass jars of your choice
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
Patchouly essential oil

Use a glue gun to hot glue your tabbed wicks to the bottom of your jars. Secure top of wick to a popsicle stick to help keep wick centered during and after pouring wax. Set aside. Using a double boiler, melt your wax completely. Remove from heat and add your green candle dye and 10-20 drops of Patchouly oil (depending on how strong you want the scent), stir in well. Then add your ground herbs to the wax and mix well. Carefully pour your wax into your jars and let cool. When cool, trim your wick down to 1/4 inch. Burn candle or candle for a few hours a day to bring money your way. Do not burn candle for more then 3-4 hours at a time and never leave candle unattended. Keep away from animals, children, and flammable objects.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Litha Fire Ritual

It's Summer Solstice (Litha) time again. The longest day of the year. It's when the sun is most powerful and after today the days will be shorter and nights longer. The following is a Fire Ritual that can be done on Litha.

1. If you want to cast a circle before the ritual do so. This ritual is best done outside, but if that isn't possible you can still do it inside.

2.Begin the ritual by preparing the wood for the fire, without lighting it. If you are doing the ritual inside, use a table top brazier or fire safe pot.

3. Say either to yourself or out loud:
"Today, to celebrate Midsummer, I honor the Earth itself. I'm surrounded by all trees. There is a clear sky above me and cool dirt beneath me, and I am connected to all three. I light this fire as the Ancients did so long ago."

At this point start your fire.

"The wheel of the year has turned once more. The light has grown for six long months until today.

4. Say:
"Today is Litha, called Alban Heruin by my ancestors. A time for celebration. Tomorrow the light will begin to fade as the wheel of the year turns ever on and on.

5. Turn to the East, and say:
"From the East comes the wind, cool and clear. It brings new seeds to the garden, bees to the pollen, and birds to the trees."

6. Turn to the South, and say:
"The sun rises high in the summer sky and lights our way even into the night. Today the sun casts three rays. The light of fire upon the land, sea, and the heavens."

7. Turn to the West, and say:
"From the West, the mist rolls in bringing rain and fog. The life-giving water, without which we would cease to be."

8. Turn to the North, and say:
"Beneath my feet is the Earth, soils dark and fertile. The womb in which all life begins and will later die, then return anew."

Build up the fire even more, so that you have a good strong blaze going.

9. If you wish to make an offering to the Gods and Goddesses, now is the time to do so. This is optional.

"Alban Heruin is a time of re dedication to the gods. The triple goddess watches over me. She is known by many names. She is Morrighan, Brighid, and Cerridwen. She is the washer at the ford. She is the guardian of the hearth. She is the one who stirs the cauldron of inspiration."

"I give honor to you, o mighty ones, by all your names known and unknown. Bless me with your wisdom and give life and abundance to me, as the sun gives life and abundance to the Earth."

10. Say:
"I make this offering to you to show my allegiance, to show my honor, and to show my dedication to you."

Cast your offering into the fire.

11. Conclude the ritual by saying:
"Today, at Litha, I celebrate the life and love of the gods/goddesses and of the Earth and sun."

Take a few minutes to reflect upon what you have offered, and what the gifts of the gods/goddesses mean to you. When you are ready, if you have cast a circle, dismantle it or dismiss the quarters at this time. Allow your fire to burn out on it's own.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Glenn had a good Father's Day. He got up early and went fishing with a friend. He and that same friend watched the kids while they played in the pool and sprinkler. After the kids got tired of playing in the water, they changed clothes, and all went to the park. When everyone came home, some of Glenn's friends and family showed up. The guys of course had to play horseshoes as usual. Glenn's dad took over the grill and cooked the food. He always seems to get the meat done just right. He's a grill master. I made kabobs for the first time. They were super yummy and everyone loved them. Glenn didn't get much for Father's Day, but he bought some fishing stuff that he needed. I think he enjoyed the time with everyone more.

                                                Glenn & Hailey
                                          My yummy kabobs.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pizza Casserole

This recipe is great for large families or parties.


1 pound of Penne noodles (I use Barilla)
1 pound of ground beef (browned)
1 pound of ground sausage (browned)
1 package of Canadian bacon (cut in fourths)
1 package mini pepperoni
2, 24 oz. cans of spaghetti sauce (I use Hunt's Chunky Vegetable)
2-3 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese


1. Brown sausage and hamburger in a pan. Strain off grease and set aside.

2. Cook noodles as directed on package. Strain and put back in pan.

3. Add spaghetti sauce to noodle and mix well.

5. Add browned ground sausage & hamburger, pepperoni, and Canadian bacon. Mix well.

6. Pour into a baking dish (or two) and top with mozzarella cheese. Bake at 425* for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted.

7. Let cool for about 10 minutes, serve, and enjoy.

Notes: You can use pizza sauce instead of spaghetti sauce. I use spaghetti sauce, because I think it adds more flavor.

For a sides for the casserole you can add garlic Texas toast and salad with Italian dressing.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Breakfast Casserole


9 eggs, scrambled
1 pound ground sausage, cooked
2-3 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 bag Potatoes O'Brien with onion & peppers
cream of mushroom soup


1. Prepare eggs and sausage and set aside.

2. Open cream of mushroom soup and add to large mixing bowl. Fill soup can to top with milk and dump in bowl. Mix well.

3. Add bag of Potatoes O'Brien, scrambled eggs, and ground sausage to the bowl. Mix well with soup.

4. Cook in oven at 425* for 30 minutes.

5. Take casserole out and add shredded cheddar cheese and put back in oven on the same temp. for another 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

6. Serve and Enjoy!

*Warning* Casserole will be hot. You may want to let it cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Note: The picture of mine looks really cheesy, because I added extra cheese. 2-3 cups of cheese is what is normally used, but feel free to add more if you want.