Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Smallwood Household Update

I've been busy lately making ornaments for our tree. We are low on funds this year so my children and I are making Yule decorations for the tree. We already made salt dough tree ornaments. I plan on buying paints in the next few days, so I can get them painted. We are getting some thin ribbon to hang the ornaments from also. My children and I are planning on making puzzle piece wreaths, stringing popcorn, peppermint discs garland, ball ornaments made from those round coca cola pop bottles they sell at Christmas time, and etc. I'll have to do another post with pics when they are all finished.

My kids are super excited about the holiday season. They can't wait for presents and good food. As I said, we are low on funds, but we plan on getting a few things for my kids that they need and some of my family and Glenn's family is stepping up and buying for my kids this year. We plan on making the most of what we can do. I love watching my kids' faces light up when they see all of their presents. They are still little and don't mind what they get as long as they get something. Stocking stuffers are easy for them. They usually are OK with some holiday candy and toy cars for the boys while the girls like hair ties and lip gloss.

Lincoln, Nebraska got it's first snow storm a few days ago. The kids kept running to the window to watch the snow fall and yelling "Mommy look! It's snowing!" Yep, I heard that no less then 20 times in a few hours. I can't wait until we have a heavier snow fall, so the kids can go sledding. Our first snow wasn't so amazing for everyone. One family traveling on I-80 got rear ended by a semi truck that couldn't stop. The mother, father, and 1 year old child survived, but the couples 2 year old child was killed. I can't imagine the pain they are feeling. There have been many other accidents as well. The snow wasn't bad, it was the rain and ice that caused all the chaos. I know how dangerous winter in the Midwest can be. My husband's little sister, Charity, was killed on December 22nd, 2004. The person she was with over corrected the car after it slid on some ice sending the car spinning out of control while the semi truck behind them could not stop and struck the car several times while it spun. My best friend and a girl who was like my own little sister was the only one killed in the accident.  I'll have to tell the whole story about that later on. I know what it's like to lose a loved one in a car accident caused by bad weather (and bad driving). Our winter storms can be deadly, so I hope folks buckle up and drive safe during the holidays.

My son, Landon, has missed a few more days of school while he was sick. I now have to have a meeting with the teachers and principal to discuss why my son missed school thank to Nebraska's horrible new truancy law. The school my kids usually go to is being renovated, so the kids are bussed  to the far south end of Lincoln to a temp school. So, I have to waste a 1/4 of a tank of gas to drive there and back to tell them my son was sick on the days he missed (which they already know). If he misses 7 more days for any reason, I have to go to court and could face a fine or lose custody of my son because he was sick. Nebraska's truancy law does not excuse days missed due to an illness or any other reason either. Parents of kids with chronic illnesses, military families, and etc. are being treated like criminals for keeping their children home for any reason. Also. because of this horrible law that doesn't excuse ANY missed days, parents are sending their children to school sick to avoid trouble and their kids are making others sick. My son has been sick more then usual this year as well as other kids who normally are not sick. I keep my kids home when they are sick, even with this stupid law in effect. I'll probably wind up in court, but it's a fight I'm willing to step up and face. I'm Landon's mother and Nebraska law makers are telling me that my parental rights don't matter and they know what's best for MY child. When did the Nebraska become a police state? Our governor is one of the many persons responsible for pushing this law through, and even with Nebraska families showing more and more outrage over the law,  he still defends the law and sees nothing wrong with it. He's a Republican, so it's no surprise he is so dis-connected from Nebraskans and what they want.

That's a few things that are going on in my household as of lately. A post with pics of Holiday crafts will be coming soon. Also, I will probably do a post about Occupy Wall Street. I'm putting together info. for that post right now and it will also be posted soon.

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