Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly?

Yep! It's that time of year again, the Holiday Season. And what is everyone doing? Complaining, being greedy, being violent, verbally attacking each other, and etc. What a great time of year, huh? It usually starts with Black Friday. I stay home that day, because getting trampled to death to save a few bucks just doesn't sound all that fun to me. My family is usually has no money to go shopping too. This year's Black Friday was just like the rest. People got trampled, fights broke out, there were shootings, pepper spraying, police brutality, the whole works. It's like this every year. It's sad and it's pathetic.

Fox "News" is doing their yearly made up crisis about the "war" on Christmas. They think their is a war on Christmas every year, because some people say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. They think it's offensive and offends their God. I've read the bible and I guess I must have missed the part about Christmas. For a channel that panders to a party that prides itself on freedom for all, when did they decide that everyone has to conform to their views and only their religion is that right one? That's not freedom. And they keep nagging and whining that our nation is a Christian nation and blah, blah, blah. Um, our nation is a diverse one and always has been. Our founding fathers believed in religious freedom, not Christianity is the one true religion. I have no problem with Cristians in general, it's the crazy ones that I can't stand. If you want to say Merry Christmas and have a Christmas tree then do so. But don't be offended at others when they say Happy Holidays, Happy Yule, Happy Hanukkah, or call their tree a Holiday tree or a Yule tree. They are also Americans and have the right to celebrate the season in their own way.

Another thing that is sickening to me is watching the rich people this year spending tons of money on stuff they don't need while so many are going without. Our economy has been bad for several years now and the rich keep getting rich, the poor are getting poorer, and our middle class is now the upper class poor. There isn't much of a middle class left. There is the few folks that are rich and the rest are poor or soon to be poor. I must make it clear that I don't hate all rich people. Their are a lot of good people with a lot of money that give a good chunk of that to those in need. Then, there are a large group of greedy assholes that just don't care. If I had all the money that some of those people did, I would be putting a lot of that money back into the hands of folks who need it. The Holiday Season is supposed to be a time of joy and sharing, but every year it seems more people get meaner and greedier. Maybe it just seems that way the last few years, because most people are hurting and need help. I'm hoping that things get better for my family and others who are struggling. I'm also hoping that people will stop being so selfish and petty and just be happy and thankful for what they have.

Have a Happy and Blessed Yule everyone!

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