Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Beating of David Ivins

Note: I do not own rights to these photos. All rights belong to the photographers who took them.

I'm one of those types of people that is always checking the news to see what is going on in Lincoln, Ne, across America, and around the world. I love to find out what's going on in the world outside my home. I see disturbing news stories all the time, but there was a story released this week that made me cry more than once and shocked me so much I was speechless. After going through so many emotions from shock, to sadness, to now anger, I knew that I had to do a blog post about this story. I can't stop thinking about it, because it is so disturbing. I'm talking about the story that broke on National news about the beating of David Ivins, a 50 year old homeless man from Belmar, New Jersey.

Here is a video of the incident. I must warn you it is quite graphic. The original was taken off of youtube, but this news report shows portions of the original video.

The Attack

David Ivins, a 50 year old homeless man from New Jersey was viciously beaten and humiliated on 2 separate occasions on December 11th & 12th, 2011. The video shows that he was attacked in a wooded area by 20 year old Taylor Giresi while his 17 year old accomplice records the attack. Giresi can be seen kicking, punching, kneeing, and pushing David Ivins to the ground and David not fighting back. They also stole the man's bike (some news reports said that in the end the bike was left in the woods) while David pleaded with them saying he needed his bike. The last clips of the video shows David Ivins walking away without his belongings, while Giresi takes off with David's bike. The video also shows what belongings that David Ivin's did have, scattered across the ground. A horrific and humiliating experience for a man who is struggling and who just wanted to be left alone. The 2 attackers recorded the attack so they could upload the video to youtube, because in their minds they thought people would find it funny like they did. The police received several tips about the video so police decided to watch it. Shortly after police watched the video and identified who the attackers were, the 17 and 20 year old were arrested. 20 year old Taylor Giresi is being held in Monmouth County Jail in Freehold Township on between $60,000 and  $100,000 bail (exact dollar amount is hard to say with news outlets reporting different amounts) without the option of paying 10% for his release. He's being charged with aggravated assault, conspiracy to commit assault, second degree robbery, and theft. The un-named 17 year old was charged with conspiracy to commit assault and theft and was released into the custody of his parents pending a future court date. The original video the guys posted to youtube was taken down, but not before going viral and the news has been showing some of the clips from the original video. The story hit the National news on December 20th, 2011 and caused an uproar of disgust across the nation. Most Americans making comments saying they couldn't watch the news videos because it was so disturbing. And most others who did watch saying they were heart broken and cried at the sight of a defenseless homeless man being attacked for a few laughs.

Some of the videos and news stories from the media. They contain graphic images and content.

The Young Turks


Huffington Post

The Raw Story

Most news outlets (except ABC News that I can find) made this one of their main stories in this week's headlines. I'm not quite sure why ABC News did not make this story a priority. The only story I found on ABC News was a story re posted that the Associated Press had originally released. It doesn't look good on their end. I find it appalling that they did big news stories about a Jesus toaster and a cat surviving a ride under a car hood for 3 hours, but didn't take the time to report on this story about a defenseless homeless man being assaulted by 2 young bullies. Glad I don't rely on them for serious news stories. I greatly dislike Fox News, but even they made a point to cover this story.

David Ivins is doing OK. He has no serious injuries, but did have to be rushed to the hospital Wednesday night. He had gone to the Belmar Police Department to pick up a bicycle that someone had donated to him. While in the police department he suffered a seizure and was rushed by ambulance to Jersey Shore University Medical Center. He was later released.

A Nation of Giving

This was a disturbing incident, but what happened next made me proud of our country and the people in it. The was a huge outpouring of love and charity from the American people who all wanted to help David Ivins. Donations have been set up at several different places for him. People are donating food and clothing, gift cards to different stores and restaurants, and most importantly cash for food, clothing, shelter, and anything else that he may need. Also other donations including a new bicycle have been dropped off at BelmarBelmar Inn has put him in a room for free until January 3rd. Johnny Kash has set up a facebook page to honor and help David. The page is called Support David Ivins of Belmar, NJ. The page gives information on how to help David with donations and gives people from all over a place to leave comments of support. Here is a link.!/pages/Support-for-David-Ivins-of-Belmar-NJ/248717178529532

Belmar, NJ Mayor Matt Doherty took the time to meet and talk with David to make sure he was OK and taken care of. Others are trying to help him with his alcohol addiction. A man named Michael Behning has set up a website called Michael's site was inspired by David's story, but he says on the site that he wants to help others like David in the future through the site. The site also gives information on how to donate to David. Here is the link to the site.

Also, I would like to include the information and name of the detective assigned to this assault case. Detective Bono is the officer assigned to the case. Address and phone number are the following.

Wall Township Police Department
c/o Detective Bono
2700 Alldaire Rd.
Wall Township, NJ 07719
(732) 449-4800

New Jersey Legislation

Among some of the news reports there was information on legislation New Jersey lawmakers are trying to pass for situation like this one. Legislators in New Jersey have put forward a bill that would increase penalties and mandate jail time for video taping and distributing the recording of an assault. Under the proposed legislation, videotaping and distributing the recording of an assault will result in an automatic second-degree aggravated assault charge. A person convicted of second-degree aggravated assault can face 5-10 years in prison and face a fine up to $150,000.

Future Plans for David Ivins

David Ivins family and friends have rushed to reconnect with him after seeing the attack on the news and locating him. In a interview with reporters, David says he plans to spend Christmas with his mother and his sister. He says that he wants to stay sober and work on his alcohol addiction. He says he wants to start attending AA meetings and plans to go to a rehab center in Pennsylvania after the New Year. David says that he needs to change his life around and find a job. With help from his friends, family, donations, and rehab I have high hopes for him and hope he gets over his addiction and recovers physically and mentally from this senseless assault. After 8 years of being homeless of and on and being unemployed while being addicted to alcohol, it's sad that it took a savage assault for people to sit up and notice that this man needed help. I hope his story makes a difference for all homeless people in our country. As for his attackers, I hope they get maximum sentences on the charges they are facing. It takes a sick and twisted person to attack a defenseless homeless person not once, but twice just for laughs and than post a video of it on youtube. I also find it disgusting that the 20 year old Taylor's mother, Joanne Jost tried to defend her son's action in a CNN interview. I wish David the best in his life and hope this is a wake up call to the nation that we the people need to step up and help our fellow citizens. This is one of the richest and greatest countries in the world and our fellow Americans should not be sleeping in the streets and woods because no one cares enough to help them.

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