Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Idea? Maybe.

While trying to think of ways to make some extra cash, I ran across some things on EBay that gave me a lot of ideas. I've been on the computer for the last two days doing research and pricing things. I would love to say what it is I'm wanting to do, but at this point I don't think it would be wise to say anything on an open blog. I can say however, this is an adventure that I want to share with a few close family members. I think they will love my ideas (or at least I think they will). I have a way to make money by selling my own products in a popular industry. I'm not going to jump into this head first. I'm going to be smart and invest a little at first and see how things go. If all goes well, I will be doing something that is fun and that I love and can make some extra cash. Hoping this goes well. We will see and I'll report back in detail if things workout. I think I'll close with that. Bye all.

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