Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Things Are Coming Together

Things are starting to come together. I've been working really hard on getting my products done and ready to sale. I'm doing OK, but think I need to get more done faster. It's hard to do with 4 kids, a busy husband, and no help. I have started a Twisted Witches Blog and a Twisted Witches Facebook page to get started and so friends and family can follow the progress being made. I'm hoping to be able to launch my website soon, but it may take a little while to get it finished. So, for now I'm hoping everyone stays patient with me while I continue to try and get the products done. I'm nervous, but looking forward to going to Marysville over Mother's Day weekend for our booth sale. I'm hoping we do well and whatever we don't sell there I'm going to post on the future website. I really hope that someday I will be able to have my own little family witchy store. That is my goal, but for now I'm doing what I can afford to do. You can follow us at the following links.

Twisted Witches Facebook Page

Twisted Witches Blog

Twisted Witches Temporary E-Mail

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