Friday, September 9, 2011

Sick of Being Sick!

Well, I haven't posted anything in a while because I've been sick off and on for the last week. I can't seem to get rid of my cold and it's getting old real quick. I have four kids who are in school all day around other kids, so I'm sure this is only the beginning of months and months of battling colds and flus. The wave of sickness seems to hit our house every September and lasts through March. The kids are usually sick for a few days and then they are fine. Me however, I wind up fighting a cold for 1-2 weeks or more. I remember back before I had kids. I had a functioning immune system then and hardly ever came down sick. Oh how I miss those days. I love my kids though and wouldn't turn back time for anything, not even to be cold and flu free. I'm hoping this fall and winter won't be as bad as last year, but it's not starting off well. I still have a cold, the girls are coming down sick, Landon just got over being sick, and I think Brendan's ear infection is back. Next week we will probably all be in the doc's office at this rate. Fruit smoothies and herbal tea seem to help a little bit. I'll just have to toughen up and wait it out I guess. Will post again soon about some new changes we've had around our house.

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