Monday, July 4, 2011

The Nerve Of Some People!!!

I don't like hating people, but it's hard not to when people you despise talk about your loved ones who have past like they cared so much about them, when they didn't. I can't stand fake ass people. You know the type of person who tries to come off as a caring and decent person, when really they are selfish and heartless. Every one knows a person or a few people like this. I don't like violence, but in the cases of people like this, it should be legal to reach out your hand and smack them. I have a few people like this in my family. My sister Angel Graham, her husband Darrell Graham, my brother Jimmy King, Jr., and his wife Ashley King. They act like they are better then every one when they aren't. The bad things they like to say about others are lies and really they are the ones who are guilty of the things they accuse others of doing. It's amazing how dilusional these people are. And what's sad is the world is full of these ignorant, selfish fools. It doesn't matter where you live or who you are, every one knows some body like this. Heck, a lot of us know several people like this. Since when is being bat shit crazy the norm? Just because you believe in your head you are right, it doesn't mean that you are. And what is with acting like they care about people when they don't. First time the relationship hits a bump they stab you in the back and thinkit is ok. Sorry about the rant, but damn, the nerve of some people!

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