Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Springtime in Star City

It's that time of year again. Springtime has come to Star City (Lincoln, Ne). Everything is turning green, flowers are blooming, and animals are scurrying about. I love springtime. It's one of my favorite seasons (the other is fall) and it's a great time for me to get outside and take some pics. This year we decided to plant flowers in our yard. Lilies and Roses are my favorite flowers so that's what we bought. I also found plant called Saliva with purple flowers on it that I liked so we bought one of  those too. I plan on purchasing more flowers when we can afford to. My kids would like a few more colors added to our patch of lilies and I believe we could never have to many roses. As the summer and fall go by we are going to add other things to our garden like a bird bath, gazing ball, and maybe a small statue or two. The kids had fun helping us plant our flowers and we are hoping that they will want to help out with the garden over the summer while they are not in school.

 The weather is heating up quickly and my kids know it's the time of year for fun in the water. My husband I have already let them play in their kiddie pool and they had a blast. They don't mind that the pool is really small as long as they can cool off and splash around. I wish we could have a larger pool, but we have a small yard and when you live in the city they have certain rules you have to abide by to have a larger pool. My father-in-law live in an apartment building with indoor and outdoor pools, a jacuzzi, and a sauna so if we want we can go beat the heat over at his place too. For now my kids are happy with their little pool.

Despite the recent very hot weather, we are all trying to enjoy the season and are looking forward to spending time with the kids over the summer. Hopefully, we can survive the summer with all four kids here at home all day every day. Between the pool, bikes, sidewalk chalk, and other outdoor toys they should have plenty to keep them busy. I will having plenty of pictures to take to keep myself busy. Let the fun begin!

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