Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July News Update!

I keep forgetting to blog! I always think about doing it, but then I get side tracked doing other things! So where to start? Oh yeah! OK, so kiddos had a great 4th of July! We had a lot of fireworks left over from last year, so we didn't buy that many! We grilled up a bunch of food and set off the fireworks we had! Our friend came over and celebrated with us! It was a great time! My birthday was on the 14th of July! It was fun and the hubby bought me a new media player that I love! We again grilled up a bunch of food and the kids behaved for the whole day (which is a miracle) so overall it was a great day! On Sunday the 21st of July our neighborhood put together a carnival at Peach Park! Glenn hasn't spent a lot of time with the kiddos lately, so he took all the kiddos to the carnival! I could see the giant bouncy house from our front porch! The kiddos got their faces painted, ate some hot dogs, a couple of them volunteered to get water dumped on them for one of the games, and the kids said they loved the bouncy house! They said they liked playing the duck pond game and the balloon pop game! They came home with toys, candy, and pencils! I'm glad that they had a good time! I hope they have the carnival again next year, so I can go check it out next time! The kiddos are getting excited about going back to school! They start August 13th, 2013! I can't wait! Freedom! It's been a long summer! Anyway, getting them essentials to start them out! Then, going to buy them clothes as soon as we can! Since I live in the city and their school gets government aid, the kiddos' school supplies are provided for them! I just have to buy the supplies they need at home to do their homework, so that saves us some money! For the first week they get out an hour early, so Brendan doesn't have Pre-school for the first week! Glenn is going to fill out papers tomorrow so Brendan can go to school! The school is having an open house in 2 weeks and we are going to go fill out more papers for all the kiddos! Last thing I have to report on is my trip to the doc! I've been having anxiety attacks, so went in to make sure that is what was going on! My EKG was normal and so was my blood pressure! I also lost 10 pounds! Yay! They took some blood samples to test my blood counts, thyroid, for infection, and diabetes! I didn't get those results back and I'm waiting on the phone call! I really hope everything comes out fine! Towards the beginning of this year I posted a blog post saying that I wanted to lose weight to improve my health! I haven't even been trying that hard, but seeing that I lost 10 pounds has given me the motivation that I needed to get off my big butt and do something about being obese! I've struggled with my weight all my life, so I know I'm always going to be bigger than other girls! I just want to be a healthier weight! Hoping to get back down to the weight I was before I had kiddos! My goal is to lose the weight 20 pounds at a time so that I don't get frustrated and give up! I have a lot of work to do and a long road ahead of me, but it's something I have to do! I plan on blogging more as I take this weight loss journey!

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