Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democratic National Convention

This week is the Democratic National Convention. Yay! I'm a Progressive Democrat so this is a big deal to me. I watched the speeches for the first night of the convention and it was amazing. The speakers laid out a great case to re-elect President Obama. They also let everyone know the difference between the parties and candidates. Lilly Ledbetter spoke about her struggle to help all women get fair and equal pay. She spoke about how the first bill President Obama signed was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. I found her speech very moving. You can read her speech at the following link.

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro gave a speech that highlighted his mother's struggle working low paying jobs while raising two boys. He spoke about his mother and grandmother being immigrants and the struggles they went through. He was introduced by his brother Joaquin, who is running for congress. His speech was heartwarming and he thanked his mother for her love and hard work raising him. You can read  his speech at the following link.

Harry Reid's speech was more about policy and why Mitt Romney would not make a good president and why we should re-elect Barack Obama. He also hit Romney on his taxes again.

Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley speech was about Maryland and some of the states history. He spoke about jobs and how President Obama is moving our country forward. Read his speech at the following link.

Another truly amazing speech was given by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. His speech included Romney's failed policies while governor of the dame state. He told of his policies that turned the state around.He spoke about how Barack Obama helped his state and how Democrats need to grow a backbone and stand up for what they believe in. It was truly an amazing and motivating speech. Read his speech at the following link.

The highlight of the night was First Lady Michelle Obama's speech. It was so heart warming and moving that I cried listening to her talk about her family. Her drees was beautiful too. She talked about her life, being a mother, and being first lady. She spoke about how the last few years have changed her and her husband's lives. Our first lady spoke of her husband quite a bit and the tough choices he has to make as President of the United States. She also talked about military families. You can read her amazing speech at the following link.

They had other speakers as well like a mother of a little girl with a heart condition who spoke about her daughter and why they need Obamacare. The military mom who introduced Michelle Obama spoke of her 5 kids, 4 of them are in the military. Michelle's older brother and Barack's younger sister spoke about the family and why their siblings should stay in the White House. It was a great night of moving and heartwarming speeches that outlined Democratic policies and President Barack Obama's achievements. I can't wait to see night 2 were people like Sandra Fluke, Barney Frank, and Bill Clinton are going to give speeches, as well as many others. See the speakers at the following link.

For more information and to watch the convention live click the following link.

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