Saturday, May 5, 2012

Witch Bottle & Mojo Bags

Witch Bottle

The witch bottle is a magical tool that has been reported in use for centuries. In early times, the bottle was designed as a way to protect oneself from malicious witchcraft and sorcery. Homeowners might create a witch bottle to keep evil spirits from entering the home. The general idea of a witch bottle is to not only to protect yourself, but to send back the negative energy to whoever or whatever is sending it your way.

Place sharp objects such as pins, needles, screws, tacks, nails, etc. into your witch bottle. Add protection herbs until bottle is 1/4 of the way full. Add bay leaf with a pentacle drawn on it to the bottle. Add 3 drops of Dragon's Blood oil.  Chant 3 times:

Sharp object and herbs combined
In this witch's bottle of mine;
Guard against harm and negativity
This is my will, so mote it be.

Add items from your house such as paint chips, dirt from floor, cobwebs, etc. if making a house protection witch bottle. If making a protection witch bottle for a person you can add hair, nails, blood, urine, etc. Fill the rest of the witch's bottle with sea salt and place cap on the bottle. Seal your witch's bottle with wax from a black candle. Add pentacle charm to the bottle, wrapping the twine with charm around bottle 3 times and knotting twine 3 times. Hang the witch bottle outside your front door, bury it under your porch, or at the far end of your property, or you can even bury it off your property. Place it in a spot where it will not be broken.

Mojo Bags

Mojo is a term commonly encountered in the African-American folk belief called hoodoo. A mojo is an amulet consisting of a flannel bag containing one or magical items. It is related to the West African word "mojuba", meaning a prayer of praise and homage. It is a "prayer in a bag", or a spell that can be carried or on the host's body. Alternative American names for the mojo bag include mojo hand, conjure hand, lucky hand, conjure bag, trick bag, root bag, toby, jomo, and gris-gris bag.

Add sea salts and protection herbs to your mojo bag. Then, add bay leaf with a pentacle drawn on it. Put in Tiger's eye stone and a amethyst crystal. Next add personal items hair, nails, blood, paper with your name and birth date, etc. Add 3 drops of Dragon's blood oil and tie bag shut. To add pentacle charm, wrap twine with charm around bag 3 times and knot 3 times. You can hang your mojo bag in your house, car, or carry it with you.

Mojo bags are a great way to cast spells. You can make them for various different reasons such as protection, love, money, healing, etc. It's all in the energy and items you add to your mojo bag that make the spell work for its intended purpose.

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