Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pagan Blessing Water

This year I became an Ordained Minister and one of things that I have wanted to since then is to make Pagan Blessing water, some know it as holy water. Last night was the perfect time to make it because not only was it a full moon, but it was a super full moon, which is the largest full moon of the year. The energy outside was truly amazing last night, so I did my ritual outside. I live in the city and don't get out much, so I used bottled spring water instead of spring collected water. Before I started, I made sure that I had everything I needed which is the following:

Spring water
Glass canning jar
Sea salt
Gold coin
Silver coin

I also like to burn white candles, sage smudge sticks, and sandalwood or frankincense incense. I think it adds more energy and purification power to the ritual. Light your candles, smudges, and incense. Clear your mind and focus on your task at hand. Take the glass jar and pour in spring water until full. Add a gold coin and a silver coin. Gold represents the sun and silver represents the moon. Hold your hands over the water with palms open and say:

I exorcise thee, oh creature of water,
of all negativity both seen and unseen,
And bless thee in the name of the divine goddess.

Take 3 pinches of sea salt in you hand and say the following:

I exorcise thee, oh creature of salt,
of all negativity both seen and unseen,
And bless thee in the name of the divine goddess.

Add the sea salt to the spring water and stir 3 times. Then holding your hands open, over the water again say the following:

I cleanse and concentrate this water in the name of the divine goddess.
May this liquid enhance and purify all that it touches.
As I will it, so mote it be.

Add a lid to the jar and allow to sit outside in the full moon overnight to soak up the moon's energy. Leave outside until after the sun rises so the first rays of light from the sun can add it's energy to the blessing water as well. You can take and bottle your blessing water into smaller bottles or leave it in the jar you made it in. You can remove the coins from the water in the morning once the full ritual is done. Blessing water is used for cleansing altar tools, wiccanings, spells and other magical purposes, and etc. Blessing (Holy) water is used in a lot of different ways in Paganism. It's good to have some on hand at all times.

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