Friday, August 26, 2011

Midnight Margaritas!

I love having Midnight Margaritas! I usually have a few drinks around Midnight every Friday night. Why midnight? It's mainly because by midnight I know the kiddos and hubby are all going to be sleeping and I can sit down and relax while having a few drinks with no one bugging me. I take care of four children all week long. I cook, clean, and do whatever else needs to be done almost always on my own. The hubby works a lot and is hardly ever home and when he's not working, he still isn't here. So, I think taking a break once a week to have some me time isn't all that bad. I usually kick back with a good book or movie and a drink or two. Sometimes  I do some none shopping online. That's were you go to websites and find stuff you'd like to buy, but at the time you can't so you just wind up browsing and pricing items for a few hours. I know it's a waste of time, but I don't care because it's me time. I think every mom needs a break now and then. I just stay home and have my breaks after every one else is sleeping. It's cheaper that way. So, from now on I will be having me time and Midnight Margaritas every Friday night.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Current and Future Plans

A while ago I blogged about having an idea to sell my own products to make a little cash on the side. I figured every little bit helps when I'm a stay at home mom and Glenn is the only one working right now. So, my new business adventure has begun. The last couple weekends I've been making bath salts to sell. I plan on making my own shampoo, conditioner, bath wash, lotion, bar soap, and candles. All of these will be hand made by myself. I plan on doing this a little each week until income tax time where I can buy and make the rest of what I don't already have done. This way I can have enough items and variety of items to have a large sale. Almost everyone I know or have met loves homemade stuff like this and they will make great gifts. I also figure these are good items to make because women are constantly buying this stuff. I have also been making herbal tinctures for the last couple of months which I will also be selling. For now I will sell the stuff at yard sales, city wide sales, and so on. I still plan on doing photography on the side. My mom and my sister, Jenny have showed interest in what I'm doing and want to help. My mom is very talented at making jewelry so that will be another item to sell. I hope to someday open a shop for myself, sister, and mother to run and have my niece and my girls also help if they choose. A family business that we can be proud of, that is all I want. Also, being self employed has it's advantages like setting your own hours and pay. I know having our own little shop is quite a few years away and we first have to see how well our products sell. I can't wait to get these products made and hope once money start coming in we can add more items like herbs, oils, sleep pillows, and so on. Our own Pagan store, that is my future goal. Blessed be.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for the kiddos here in Lincoln, Ne. My kids were very excited to be going back to school. Hailey is now in 2nd grade, Brianne is in 1st grade, and Landon has started Kindergarten this year. My youngest child, Brendan doesn't start school until next year, so he gets to stay home with me for another year. McPhee Elementary is being repaired and upgraded during this school year so all the kids ride buses to a building on the south side of the city. The kids don't have too big of a change in the morning, but in the afternoon they get home 45 minutes later then usual. It's OK with me because I have a little more time to clean before I have to pick them up. Also this year, we are without our LPS Distract Office which burned down in May. A former reading teacher named Sharon Brewster, age 44 of Lincoln, set fire to papers on her supervisor's desk. The building of course went up in flames and the Lincoln Fire Dept. wasn't able to salvage much of anything. A lot of files and office equipment where lost which caused a little chaos, but thank goodness the files were backed up at other offices. Also, 200 Lincoln students who were chosen as artists of the year for the 2010-2011 school year, one was my daughter Hailey, had art pictures and paintings that were also lost in the fire. Plus, I'm sure the staff that worked there had personal items in their cubicles that they lost. Most of the items including the building can be replaced, but it makes me angry and sad thinking about the 200 kids who lost one of a kind pics and the other staff members who may of lost their personal items that can't be replaced. I seriously hope the woman spends most of the rest of her life in prison. She could have killed some one. She caused $20 million in damage. Some are saying it's been the most costly fire Lincoln has ever had. The insurance company is going to cover the loss so that's good. It's an upsetting situation and I hope that woman pays for what she's done. Anyway, I'm glad no one was hurt and they are going to build a new building. Despite all the changes, we are looking forward to having another wonderful year with the McPhee Mustangs.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tincture Recipes #1

To make tinctures you need quart size canning jars, herbs of your choice, at least an 80 proof alcohol (vodka works well) or other form of liquid depending on the type of tincture you are making, labels so you and others can identify what is in your jar, measuring cups both dry and liquid, measuring spoons.

Step 1: Measure your liquid and pour it into the jar.

Step 2: Measure and add your herb.

Step 3: Seal your jar and label jar so you and others know what it is.

Step 4: Shake jar well.

Step 5: Store in dark place for 2-4 weeks depending on your tincture and shake daily.

For bottling your tinctures you will need rubber band, cheesecloth, a small funnel, large measuring cup (4 cup one is best), dark colored bottles with droppers or lids (I use 4 oz and 8 oz. mostly), sticker labels. If you would like to add charms to your bottles you would need the charms and ribbon or jute twine works also.

Step 1: Have your bottles ready. Most tinctures will fill 4-6 bottles.

Step 2: Cut a piece of cheesecloth large enough to fold in half and still cover the top of your jar.

Step 3: Take the lid of the quart jar and place the cheesecloth on top. Hold in place with medium size  rubber band.

Step 4 : Take a large rubber band and wrap around mouth of jar 2-3 times so the cheesecloth is secure.

Step 5: Tip jar upside down or sideways over a large measuring cup until all the liquid drains. You may have to stop a few times and tap the herbs off the cheesecloth and back to the bottom of the jar.

Step 6: Put a small funnel in one of the bottles. Pour your tincture slowly in the bottles until nearly full.

Step 7: Put lid or dropper lid on bottle and label tincture so you know what it is. It is good to add the dosage and/or usage of the tincture as well as any warnings.

Some herbs can worsen certain diseases or illnesses a person may have. Never give any oral herbal tincture to a child under the age of 18 and consult your doctor before taking any kind of herb. Use with caution and care.

Rosemary Tincture
Use: To relieve common colds and to ward off infections.
3/4 cup Rosemary
3 cups Vodka
Let brew 2 weeks and shake daily.

Dosage: 1/2 eyedropper full every 2 hours for 2 days. Then twice daily for 2 weeks.

Warnings: Larger doses of Rosemary can cause miscarriage so pregnant women should avoid taking Rosemary and also nursing mothers should not take Rosemary. Persons with Diabetes should not take Rosemary because it may alter blood sugar levels and may interfere with any medications taken for Diabetes. Persons with high blood pressure, ulcers, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis should not take Rosemary.

White Willow Bark Tincture
Use: Pain Reliever like aspirin. Used for back and joint pain mostly.

3 cups Vodka
3/4 cup White Willow Bark
Let brew 2 weeks and shake daily.

Dosage: Add 1 teaspoon to a cup of juice or tea. Take 2-3 times a day for pain relief.

Warnings: White Willow Bark is just like aspirin and has the same side affects. It should not be taken by those who are allergic to aspirin. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid taking White Willow Bark. Not intended for children under the age of 18.

St. John's Wort/Witch Hazel Tincture
Use: Wound wash for minor scrapes and cuts.

3 cups Witch Hazel
3 TBSP. St. John's Wort
Let brew for 4 weeks and shake daily.

Application: Moisten clean rag or paper towel with wound wash and gently cleanse wound.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Not made for consumption.

These are just a few recipes I have so far. I will have to add more later on. Be careful when using all herbs. Do your research and learn everything there is to know about the herbs you are using. Always consult a physician before consuming any herbal product.